Feeding the calves

Mummy took me to Maleny Dairy today. Given that my favourite song is Old Macdonald, I was very excited to see all the animals! We saw cows, goats, pigs and chickens and we learnt about how the cows get milked in the dairy and we even got to taste some milk, yoghurt and custard.
My favourite part was bottle feeding the calves, I also very much enjoyed splashing in the muddy puddles with my wellies on but I wasn't so keen on hand feeding the chickens. Their little beaks were quite rough!
I kept everybody amused all day by shouting 'Baaaa' at the top if my voice every time I saw a cow (unfortunately I got my animal noises muddled up that day!).
After the tour Daddy picked us up and we went in to Montville for lunch. I had a super time roaming around in the beer garden.

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