
Well I wasn't sure if I would get to Blip today or not. We had a big storm blow in around five and it was super windy. Swing in our back yard got blown over and the lid off of the hot tub. We were trying to get the awning off the swing  and lay it down so it didn't get wrecked but the wind and rain was wild so we had to come in. Power was down because the wind took out a beautiful tree just down the street. I feel bad because I was just admiring it the other day on a walk. I do like when the power is out sometimes though. You get a chance to disconnect with technology and reconnect with people. We all went for a walk and got to visit with neighbours we don't see much. Got home and got the generator going about twenty minutes before the power came back on! This is the poor tree and hydro pole:( More pics on Flickr

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