Because this is who I am

By Brighde


This may look like I've set up a tripod but in actual fact my camera is on my draws being held up by a tiny disaronno bottle. Don't say I never do anything for you.

Plus how chubs do I look from behind, yikes. But that was my last blog post, so we move on. 

August eh? Where did that go?! I could say this but I've actually done a tonne of stuff and it really feels like its been 8 months of the year. But what is this month going to bring I hear you ask. Well, actually, not much. Hopefully employment? I had an interview on Friday and she said she wanted me for a trail shift but she hasn't got back to me. Lets just hope she will. Then at the end of the month it's Lee's birthday. The big 2-3 as they say (no one says that brighde), which means I might be meeting his mum at long last (scary). 

Stay tuned for September though, that's gonna be my month. 

Happy Blipping.

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