White Cliffs of Dover

This photo just shows how much effort females put into jump shots compared to males. Peace guys! This is probably the only attempted (and successfull, meaning our feet were clearly off the ground) jumpshot we had during the trip to Dover.

It was an early rise today and all of us were in Dover by 11am. Immediately walked to the Visitor Information Centre to get a map which was practically useless as it did not include the paths to the cliffs. Headed off again to the White Cliffs of Dover Information Area which was a good 30min walk along the port area, under a motorway and a steep hill. We were starving by the time we got to the tea shop and decided to get something to fill our stomachs before heading out to the cliffs. 

The 50min walk from the centre to the lighthouse took us over 1 hour because we had to stop several times for photo opportunities. We realized that all four of us brought tripods and so we turned heads from other tourists who probably thought we were ridiculous to set up four tripods side by side and take photos from all of them at the same time. We were unfazed, advantages of being Asians, we can get away with this kind of craziness!

The journey and destination were worth it. We spent about 30mins at the lighthouse and learned a few things from the excavators who were digging around the area of the lighthouse for some remnants from the past. I ordered tea and cheese scone while we were being pestered by the kites of other tourists who dont know how to properly fly a kite. And yeah, the cool thing about being in the cliffs area was that all our mobile service providers thought we were in France! It sent us information on the calling and texting charges that we will be incurring from being away from the UK. hahaha! To those who cant be bothered, Dover is at the southmost part of the UK. The closest point to France.

Walk back was as lovely as the walk going to the lighthouse. We chose to walk a different route on our way down the cliffs with the goal of finding these horses we saw from a lower area while we were going up the cliffs earlier. Turned out the horses were happily grazing in open area where people can enter. One of the guys got very close to one of the horses but the horse showed its behind uninterested with our amazement. We didnt have enough time to visit Dover Castle and the tunnels (tickets were sold out even before we got there) but we can see it from the top of the hill (the castle i mean) and so we satisfied ourselves with just the view of its facade.

We headed to a Chinese restaurant which served us very tasty food before calling it a day and heading to the train station.

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