An early start saw us at the CLA Game Fair at Harewood House before any traffic queues appeared and before many of the exhibitors and traders were open. A breakfast bun and a cuppa and we were of taking in the various aspects of the event. Some fun was had on a simulation stand, some purchases made varying from new kitchen knives to gun cleaning equipment, window shopped for a replacement 4x4 and cookers and freezers for the ever distant extension!
All this in the grand company of our good friends Alan Alison and their magical daughter Willow.
The benefits  of the early start paid dividends when having seen every thing apart from some of the arena  displays the heavens opened.
By the time we reached the car we were all soaked  to the skin! A change of clothes at home dogs and horse attended to  and we were off to the Gait Inn at Millington. There the four of us ( Willow stayed with Nana ) had a fine meals and some choice drinks to round off a Grand "Yorkshire Day"!

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