Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Take off

Little shag taking off down the river.

I managed to take all my files in RAW having fiddled with my new camera, and then had no way of opening them. After a short struggle with the camera instruction booklet, managed to convert them to JPEG in camera. They came up as PEF files so if anyone knows how to open PEF files in Elements 9 I'd love to know!

Walking round the river again now, all the houses are gone, and the wildlife is returning. It's sad sometimes, today there was an elderly lady who'd come to see "her" camellia flower - the one thing left where her home used to be. There was a car in the river too - someone's life has been made much more stressful. Hopefully no one was hurt.

One day it will be a lovely park again, but I suspect not in my lifetime, so it has to be enjoyed as it is.

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