Day 924 - A Deer in the Woods

Faffed around this morning then saw Dale off on her travels - she's going down to Portpatrick for a few days with some friends.  

After brunch I started pulling out some Montbretia Lucifer that has taken over my front garden.  Also dug out some of the bulbs to try and keep it to a minimum next year!

Faffed around in the house then headed out with the dog once it looked like the rain was over.  I went up to the North Third again and ended up walking further than I had intended...  Knee is pretty sore again...  Found a new route though.  The forestry guys have created a new road so I went to investigate and sussed out where I was and decided to keep going rather than turn back.  I saw this deer from a distance and she just stood and watched us.  This was the last shot before she decided to turn and walk away.  I may have gotten closer if I hadn't had Aonghus with me!

Been having issues with the focusing on the D3 as I couldn't work out how to get it to focus on what I wanted (can't remember the technical term!) but my dad has now told me how to do it so we're sorted!  It means the deer is slightly soft in this shot...

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