Wonder Boy 2

Yesterday my seven year old son asked if he could pitch one of our tents ( I was trying out our 3 Man one ahead of our trip next week). Sure said I, brought out my trusty euro hike dome tent, pointed to the stitched in instructions and left him to it. With only the slightest of help, he interpreted the instructions and pitched the tent. He was pretty chuffed with himself. Later when he asked if he could play the computer and I said yes but not until the tent is packed away, he dashed off, retraced his steps, dismantled the tent and rolled it up back into its bag (well, almost).

Today, he asked if he could make chocolate macaroons, gathered the ingredients and, well made them. With some help from me I must add, but you know, mostly his work.

His attitude: try it; I love it.

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