
By RadioGirl


Having only been up to London a handful of times since retiring 4 months ago, it was quite a culture shock to emerge in the early evening from the grimy depths of Oxford Circus tube station and have crowds of people thronging busily around me like hyperactive ants, to the accompaniment of loud music.  At least it was well-played, and I stopped for a few moments to listen and take a few shots.

I was on my way along to the BBC Club behind Broadcasting House, to celebrate the retirement of yet another of my very long-standing former workmates.  This time it was a really special evening, because Dave R - who was in my little team of Factual Studio Managers (radio sound engineers) - has worked for the BBC for 42 years.  I don't think there are many who have put in such a long service for the BBC or anywhere else these days.  It was testament to what a lovely person Dave is that so many people turned up - some from a very long way out of town - to help give him a good send-off.  It was wonderful to see everybody, some of whom retired or left the BBC many years ago themselves, and we all had a good time catching up and reminiscing.  After the thousands of radio programmes Dave must have worked on, he certainly deserves a long and happy retirement.

PS:  Extra photos are of a 'wall of tea' in a newly-opened tea merchant near Oxford Circus, and a view of All Souls Church and Broadcasting House bathed in the evening sunlight as I approached along Regent Street into Portland Place.  Still love those buildings, and miss them in some ways (but not in others).

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