In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

A strange day

Ever such a strange day today.
After a beautiful morning, there was summer hailstones in the afternoon.

Previous to that I had asked our son, who is coming up for a few days next week, to go past IKEA and get feet for our living room units. On moving them for the Sky TV engineer coming, I turned one over to see what kind of fitting was needed, I noticed they already had adjustable feet in them.

On the drive into work the 'loss of pressure ' warning for my tyres lit up, one of the tyres was light on air, but not to much. I rectified that not long after.

On picking up my first hire the passenger couldn't remember where he was going. I thought he was drunk, as these things happen. Turns out he was in temporary residence in some home until he ' sorted himself out.

On dropping off my next hire, I saw this motor cycle convention on an odd place. The upper deck of the Asda ( Wallmart) car park.

Strange indeed.

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