Scalloway Regatta

The morning started with showers but they cleared by midday and the sun came out to play :)  It's been a lovely warm day with sunshine and the odd shower again this evening.

Weekend off work and a well deserved lie in this morning.  I finally got going with Sammy and it was was only light showers when we left the house, on the way back the sun had come out and so did the people :)
After lunch, I headed to the Scalloway Regatta for a look.  I arrived at the end of the crab fishing contest but they had over 60 bairns entered. 
Sister Laura and Shaun came along in the afternoon for a chat and cuppa, which delayed my garden chores. I did get out into the garden to cut the grass in the evening.  More walkies tonight but a quiet night at home :)

The Scalloway Regatta has been busy today.  There was crab fishing and you can see some of the bairns still trying to catch them after the competition, and then there was the sailing too.  This was the juniors sailing events, I stayed to watch for a while but really didn't know who was sailing, so off I went again.  

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