Raindrops keep falling on my head ..........

Having slept well lately, last night was rubbish....still awake at 3.40am! Must have got off after that, then woke at 7 and dozed till 8.30 when hub brought a cup of tea after that, we were up and about!

I made a gooseberry crumble as we have gooseberries coming out of our ears ;-) also made cauliflower cheese for with dinner later.

We popped round for a paper, by which time it had started to rain,yet again! It's really chucked it down during this afternoon....hub mowed the law yesterday evening and I'll swear it's grown an inch or two already!!

Inbetween the heavy showers I did pop into the garden in search of a blip......I liked the way the raindrops were sitting on this Iris leaf which was bent over our bronze metal heron, that stands in our pond....you can just make out the brownish colour in the background.

Daughter and partner have spent the day round at the house....made a start on some painting.

We've had roast pork and all the trimmings for dinner........even though it's only Saturday ;-)
Followed by crumble and custard, after a breather!!

It's now nearly 8pm and wouldnt you know it, the sun has just come out!

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