
By Veronica

Emergency blue

Yes, another flower blip! First thing this morning, we had to go to the gendarmerie to fill in a procuration de vote for Sunday. As we left, I spotted these flowers in the verge and forced S to screech to a halt so I could blip them. Just as well I did because it's the only usable photo I took all day.

According to yearofhappy , a cat is one of the top subjects for emergency blips. But using a photo of an offended looking Mystère was going too far -- even I had to agree that it had no aesthetic qualities.

So this is a true emergency blip, straight out of the camera, no messing.

Edit: I looked at Lo Jardinier's blog after I posted this, and I think it's anchusa azurea -- Italian bugloss. His blog is very handy because he sees the same flowers as me!

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