Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

simple pleasures.................

in this case it was going through my clothes to finally throw some stuff out. not because i wanted to but so that Mrs McD could have more space to store her clothes!
the simple pleasure and massive pick me up was finding these and another old pair of jeans. why was it such a pleasure i hear you NOT ask? well it's becuase this pair of jeans in particular i bought in november 2002 in las vegas while over there for my bro in laws wedding. now hold on i'm getting to the good part. the good/best bit is that nearly 5 years to the day later i find that they STILL fit! how cool is that? honestly it made me so happy to know that i wasn't a fat bastard after all. and before anyone says anything they are only a 30" waist so it's not like i was huge then and am cheating if you follow me. as i said simple pleasure but it was a good pick me up.

i do have a few links tonight.
last night's late posting

these last two were from last nights shoot.

well off to bed and will prob fall asleep watching the results come in.
come on america get obama in there

night folks....................

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