
By EarlGrey

Sad day.....

My poor Earl isn't well. The vet called after the xray results in the morning to tell me they had found two tumour masses top at aorta and bottom of his heart on the chest wall. This so, so far from the happy ending I had hoped for and the palliative care may not now even be an option. He's on a steriod injection to see if it helps his appetite and the vet said the upside may be that it might even shrink the tumour buying him a little bit more time.

He's very content tonight and will just have to spoil him and watch over him to see what happens. Vet has assured me he isn't suffering and there's no way we would let that happen, if he starts to withdraw and behave out of character we will know.

He's very happy to be home and sitting snuggled up on my knee after a half tin of tuna.

It all seems so fast in comparison to the months of palliative care for Sooty.

To say we are heartbroken is an understatement.....

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