Waiting for Cinderella

We had rain for about fifteen seconds this morning. It made for nice light at the beach, where there was an assortment of tidal offerings.

Later on I joined a group of Urban Sketchers to draw over by the lighthouse, but it was so windy that our papers blew every which way. I retreated to my car and attempted to draw a Monterey pine, but I wasn't able to abstract the shapes enough to make it work the way I wanted. I always feel so depleted by wind--it blows the stuffing right out of me and replaces it with crankiness and fatigue and general malaise. 

We are going to hear Dizzy Burnett at our local jazz club tonight: she sings Billy Holiday songs. The audience is encouraged to dress in period costume, but I'll settle for finishing dinner in time to get over there.

Hipstamatic: Lowy lens; C-type plate film

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