
To be fair, at about 8pm, it stopped raining, we went out for a stroll round Tobermory and it looked stunning - however, this image of Mull from the ferry sums up the rest of the day rather more accurately.

Travelled from Dunbarton, near Glasgow, via Loch Lomond, Rannoch Moor and Glen Coe, where we visited old friends of M's. We last stopped in on them almost exactly 29 years ago, as we were finishing walking the West Highland Way on our honeymoon. Then crossed on the Corran ferry, more driving, then the Lochaline - Fishnish ferry, then more driving up to Tobermory, where we arrived in our very lovely stone cottage, overlooking the bay.

And almost all of it in the rain, apart from a stroll and a coffee at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel (which sounds like something from Lord of the Rings, and the Gaelic on the signs looks like Elvish to me) - see the extra, which matches the photo in Lisbon a year ago yesterday.

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