Lord R

There is a new Visitor Welcome Pavilion under construction at Waddesdon Manor and almost ready to be used.  Today wasn't quite the 'opening' but more the 'topping out' landmark.  The building is beautifully designed and will certainly be a positive first experience at Waddesdon when visitors park.  the car park is some way from the House but there will be displays here and comfortable, well ordered queuing arrangements for the buses that take people up to the Mansion.  It is a very pleasant walk up through the woods but not everyone wants to do that.  Everything should be ready and tested by mid-August but until then the portaloos remain!

My Volunteer role today was to take some photos of the 'opening' and cutting of the ribbon by the current Lord Rothschild; here he is proudly showing the agreed design for the building.

I had a bit of time (and my filters with me) to play with some long exposures by the fountain at the end of the main drive.  It was a bit breezy and some of the spray was wafting my way - I like the way some of this has been captured in bokeh.  Extra added.

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