Float on bye.

We went to M&S this morning as the Dine in for £10 meals were on, and I had vouchers for 20% off everything. After doing the food shop, we went to the cafe and had coffee, and shared a packet of sandwiches. I then had a quick browse around while J went back to the car. I bought a bottle of Shay & Blue' s new perfume, which is Watermelon, with the freshness of green mandarin, contrasted with honeysuckle, green tea, and clipped vetiver.  It smells divine. We drove home via Corntown to look for a blip,  but nothing cropped up. We came home, put the shopping away, and then went straight down to Parc Slip. I was hoping to get some dragonfly shots, but there were none about. On the way back to the car, I spotted this butterfly, but he wasn't facing the right way. I haven't had much luck this year with butterflies. Maybe the bad weather has something to do with it. Hope you all have a great weekend. 

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