More Life of Sands

By sands

Sleep & Chums

Oh bliss - I had 10 hours sleep last night and I feel FABULOUS today!!

I pottered about the flat as I waited for a courier to deliver my repaired drysuit this afternoon. I unpacked my bags & caught up with a few chums via Facebook, Skype & e-mail - the wonders of modern technology :-)

I headed out to Tescos to do a proper shop after yesterday's mini-shop & saw the top of the North Berwick Law was hidden from view.

I headed into Edinburgh tonight to meet up with some old friends, Arfon & Janet, two of their three children and their friends, David & Lyndsey. A & J stay in North Wales and have discovered during their few days in Edinburgh that restaurants need an additional license to allow children to enter & eat after 8pm!!!!!!! What madness! It meant a difficult stay for them as they had to check each time they wanted to eat outr as they have a 9 year old son :-/ Who came up with that bloody stupid idea??!!

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