Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere

Ah, Nostalgia

Needed an emergency blip, and was looking through the box I keep precious stuff in when I found this. My Game Boy I feel sorry for people who didn't have one of these ;D

Pretty good day. Purchased my ball ticket, but now I have to find a suit. And I don't think mum wants me to buy one as it's more expense (on top of the ridiculously expensive ball) and in any case it's supposedly only 'smart casual'. I know that if I don't have an actual suit that I'll be the odd on out though. Grr. And the suit that I like doesn't come with the tie or undershirt that the cheaper ones do? GRR.

D is coming to the ball though, so it's gone from pretty much noone in our group going to nearly everyone going. Pretty good :L I would try and make a nice word out of the initials of all the people coming (because I'm just that cool) except I have to have friends whose names start with 'J' or 'X'. :P

The new maps feature is cool. Telling myself that I'll go back and edit old photos but I probably won't. Oh well :P

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