
By wsjohnson

father's and daughters contretemps!

Okay, so like in the course of human events, blah, blah, blah, I don't know precisely where that came from (either John kennedy or Winston Churchill) nor do I really know why it was said, but for now, and this conversation, it relates to Darryl-Elizabeth and her impending wedding

I guess I failed to realize ("guess" ??? I did) there was a "dance" to be had twit "Father" and "Daughter"

Yeah, right, ain't gonna be a "pretty picture"

today's blip was found outside Trader Joe's, it's a 'bloomin' tree!! She found it "adorable" Darryl-Elizabeth just shrugged, probably thinking of how "embarrassing" it'll be if I actually convinced her to "Tango"

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