Little drummer boy

Dan started learning guitar about four years ago. And much like his piano lessons, he practiced his pieces - with the occasional bit of encouragement - and went to his lessons. His progress was steady.

Last year, though, his primary activity when he had a bit of time on his hands switched from watching DVDs of 'Supernatural' to playing guitar. This coincided, perhaps unsurprisingly, with a sudden appreciation of Green Day, 21 Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Fallout Boy, and myriad other guitar bands. 

His mum's boyfriend owns a music shop and a while ago he brought home a bass for Dan to try, so he extended his range a bit there. Then, last week, he brought home an electronic drum kit, which Dan's been practising on. Today he invited me up to hear him play. 

I don't mean this nastily, but my expectations weren't high. When I was in a band I used to mess about on the drums a bit and I always sounded crap. Dan on the other hand sounded great! He's obviously put the hours in because he was keeping time whilst managing the drumsticks and both feet. I was really impressed!

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