Nanchang 2012

By Nanchang2012

Fishing for Fruit...

The past couple of days my neighbours have been gathering fruit from a tree just below my balcony. I'm not sure what kind of fruit it is but it must be worth all the effort they've been putting in to it. Yesterday a man had a pair of step-ladders and was picking the fruit directly from the branches while today this lady was thrashing the tree with a long fishing pole and then collecting the fruit she managed to knock down.
As the garden belongs to all the residents in the apartment complex then maybe I ought to go and get my fair share before they've all gone ;)

And in case you're wondering about the is not unusual for residents in Nanchang to hang their washing in public areas, some even hang it out in the streets.

Now in keeping with finding new and original ways to get fresh fruit I'm off to borrow a basketball to throw at a tree...

(by Andy Meek)

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