through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes



Here's a mochi I made as an apology :P

Man, so much has happened within this one month but God is FAITHFUL. There were definitely days I kept telling myself "do your blip! do your blip!" but of course being me, I would forget. I don't know who reads my blip but eh, I'll write it all down.

1) I'm moving to Taiwan for a year!!!

So, 2 months ago, I was only set to going for a month, then this whole college program thing happened, I got denied, but surrendered it all to God already. And of course being Him, He opened doors for me that I never thought it would be the best for me.
This one year I'm gonna spend in Taiwan will be filled with cultural and chinese classes. I'll be living with my grandma and of course, meet up with friends I haven't seen for three years. I'm excited and scared at the same time... it's definitely a mixed feeling right now. What does God have for me there? I guess one fear of mine is I'll get pretty lonely there. Despite the fact I have 2 close friends there, they won't be in the city as me once school starts. We shall see!
I also made a blog for my one year there: Taiwan blog


2) I got a job!

I am currently working full time as a general student office assistant and boy, never thought office work would be this busy and at the same time, so... boring. Everyday has been feeling like the same: get up, shower, walk to work, work with files, papers, excel programs, walk back home, eat, internet, sleep. Maybe it's because I know I'm going to Taiwan soon so days have seen less interesting.

The more I've been spending time with friends here in the city though, it's just making me miss them more. The idea of knowing I'm gonna miss a year of everyone's story saddens me. God is faithful, so faithful, I know I'll come back a year later to many more amazing stories.

3) God is so faithful. Have I already mentioned that? Haha. I know I'm not alone in this and what more can I do but use this one year opportunity He has given me to glorify Him through it? SO.
I'll be teaching English while I'm there also (: I discussed it with my parents and we all agreed I'll use this time to tutor students who can't afford English tutors there and use that time to love them and be there for them.

I promise I'll try to keep up with Blip more now haha. Sometimes I'm just so tired coming back from work though I just want to be lazy and sleep haha! Oh boy...

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