
By GloryGlory

Business plan

Lunch today was all about the future.

Miss B announced she was going to have her own business.

Master B joined in and together I think they might have something;
however Master Bs current model wouldn't make any money (Too much free jewellery being taken home by the employees!) while Miss Bs might have a chance (one floor of the 3 story building would have graphic designers doing what Daddy does at work!)
Miss Bs plan interestingly had a social conscience. A floor, entered by a separate staircase, so not to disturb the employees work or relaxation, which would have public toilets, free food and comfortable seating for those who needed it. 
I think I might like her to be my boss one day as the ground floor had enough baths, swimming pool space and jacuzzis for the whole work force to relax together!

After lunch they decided to roll play the ideas. They got side lined by Master Bs concept of a ball pool at the entrance to his offices; you had to wade through it before you got to your desk... The ball pool balls came out and an idea developed about hosting kids parties. Here's the party room, all set up for the guests to arrive. 

I was sorry I wasn't invited.

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