Cunningsburgh fae Scalloway

It's been a colder day with northerly winds, a few sunny spells through the day and some in the evening.

Another day in the office working with photos.  I have had a few orders to process and also a few extra work editing them.  The museum seemed a bit quieter today when I was down for a cuppa but there's still plenty of visitors on the isles :) 
Nipped home at lunchtime and spoke with friends Douglas and Iris.
After work, quick bite to eat and then off to work in the pub for a few hours. It's been a fairly quiet night, compared to the last few weeks.
Finished early and now it's a quick walk with Sammy and then get my feet up :)

Whilst at work in the pub, the sun came out for a while.  Finished serving and ran to the back window to get a photo for today. This is the other view from my blip on Saturday but looking south rather than north.  The dark hill in the centre is the hill I was standing on to take the photo of Scalloway. Taken from the Kiln Bar and that pesky Gemini accommodation sneaked in the photo too.  

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