The big squeeze.

I was getting ready to go to the gym, and I put on my knickers on , back to front. I thought  to  myself, this isn't going to be a good day. When I got  there,  I was on the cross trainer, when one of my favourite songs came on, which is, We have all the time in the world, by Louise  Armstrong. I knew then the day was going to be good. Maybe putting them on backwards was good luck, not bad! The weather  forecast this morning  said, no rain today, but as i was due to finish, I could see it was tipping down outside. I went upstairs to the library, and had a quick  flick through the  newspaper , and it wasn't long before  the  rain cleared, so off I went.  I went into town to do some shopping, and I had some great bargains in Boots. My next stop was the bank, and I saw this busker outside, but he was having a fag. When I came out , he was playing the accordion , so as usual, I  gave him some dosh, asked if I could take his photo, and he replied, certainly, shall I give you my best side. He was playing, Bread of Heaven, which I love. I then walked to the bus station, and caught the bus home. J had made a chicken & mushroom casserole, so I am looking forward to that.  So the morale of the story is, if you want a good day, put your knickers , or pants   on back to front. Try it, you may be surprised!!!

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