Slugging it out!

For the past few nights I have had a sluggish visitor in the coalcellar and sometimes making a wee detour into the kitchen.
I have tried the usual variety of deterrents even blocking every nook, cranny and crack with decorators caulk but to no avail. Each morning I awoke to a fresh slimy trail.
So last night afore going to my bed, I set my alarm for 4am which was the time I figured slimy would be on his nocturnal spree.
The alarm duly went off and I got my slimy detecting kit of specs as without my glasses he had a definite advantage over me, my torch (yes I watch CSI) and my imobaliser (salt)
So there I was in my pink spotty jammies armed to the teeth and I crept up on my creepy nemesis , opened the door, switched on the light and lo! There was the culprit. I swore he saw me cause he twitched when I put the light on.
Now I had a dilemma! Do I stand and wait for slimy to make his getaway (this could take several hours being as he is after all a slug!) Or do I give him a quick dispatch?.
Being as slimy didn't seem to be in any hurry to reveal his escape route and given that I was beginning to get chilly, I decided to wait no longer. A quick bit of seasoning with the salt which disabled him so he wouldn't attack me. Then I scooped him up with a shovel and sent him swimming to the Clyde.
I then went back to bed. I now hope none of his cousins come to the wake!
The only blot on the horizon was when I went to the loo this morning I saw some disturbingingly large water drops!! No one uses this downstairs loo but myself.
Did slimy slip slide his way back up the lavvy. However the CSI in me tell s me that the direction of the wet splatter came from above from about the height of five feet. Now who do I know was that height mother dearest. !!!
Tell you what I will be glad to turn the key of that door for the last time soon enough.

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