No Takers?

By popular demand I present todays story…SO nice to be missed!!!

Things were a tad cool today but The Boss and ME set out for a major wander to celebrate the abatement of his cold and the sun shining. The Boss had developed a different trail which included “stick and go” time so there we were passing The Edgewater Hotel and I could smell the hot chocolate as we turned up the path. 
So we arrived and I got tied to a table while The Boss went inside and ordered. When he arrived bark the bloke who was in charge of table cleaning, and hadn’t had anyone foolish enough to sit outside all day, spotted us and must have thought we would start a trend so immediately started rushing around cleaning tables while The Boss warmed his hands on, and sucked at, his Hot Choc (to go) to get the melted marshmallows through that tiny hole in the top (his favourite activity).
We then packed up and left just as the afore mentioned bloke arrived with cloth.

No one sat in this chair which was in lens range at the time but on top of the even windier hill looking somewhat tropical The Boss thought…

Paw script…The Boss was wearing his big black thick shirt and his big woolly jersey with his sale in San Fran jacket and wooly hat and wasn’t toasty warm.
I was wearing my usual curls and have no comment. Terriers are TOUGH!

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