Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Is it Time to Worry Yet?

You will remember, Fourth Year, that I told you To Kill a Mockingbird is one of three novels you really must read before you are 18. (the other two being Lord of the Flies and Catcher in the Rye)  They are not the greatest books ever written but between them they will teach you a lot about structure, characterisation, theme, symbol, plot ...blah blah!

So what do I make of Go Set a Watchman, allegedly written by Harper Lee before she wrote TKMB, but set much later, with a 72 year old Atticus and a 26 year old Scout?

I'm not going to tell you what I think yet.  It's all very confusing.  Did she write it?  I think so.  Did she write it before TKMB?  Well my inner jury is out on that!  Is it time to worry yet?  Ask Atticus. Or maybe Truman Capote.

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