A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife


So. Saturday night. All's well: I've done the grocery shopping, I've washed the clothes, I am relaxed and ready to read the documents I have to read to prep for the new job. All is good with the world.

But I bend to pick up something in the fridge for dinner, and something seems to explode in my back. I can't move. I can't stand. I can't sit. The phone is at the other end of the apartment (it isn't a big flat, but since everything is blocked, the other room seems miles away).

A spasm. Or a lumbago. Go figure. So miss Cane is back to work (I used it for a while, 7 years ago, after a foot injury), because everything is difficult: sitting. getting up. lying down. I live on the second floor. No way am I going outside any time soon.

So with help, Sunday, I managed to eat, and do a bit of work. Trusty Cane was there, when I needed to move.

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