My neighbour found this dead Kestrel in her back garden. As her dogs were about to eat it so she threw it into the field and called me.
The poor little bird was definitely deceased so I collected,it up thinking it might be one of the fledglings from the nest box, This one had no ring on it's leg so can't have come from there. Kestrels are on the amber list so I contacted the BTO who immediately requested the carcasse.
They really have it sussed. Instructions arrived on how to wrap it, pad it and wrap it again. and labels to print, necessarily in colour, for the package.
I took the instructions with me to the post office as I wasn't sure they'd have received a dead bird in their care before. Wise move!
The Kestrel is now wending it's way to Wildlife Epidemiology at the London Zoo, at their own expense, and I'll be updated on the results of their post mortum as soon as it's done.
Feeling somewhat righteous but, so sad for the bird.
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