Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley

Camping Day 1

So the time has arrived for our long awaited camping trip. After a couple of months planning and prepping the day is here.
I like being organised and ensuring that I have everything I could possibly need to ensure that I have the best time possible. Having packed last night I am all ready for a half day morning shift at work and then a two hour drive to Wing Hall Camping Site in Rutland, Oak-ham.
I left work early as a surprise for Will as he has been asking me all week, so when I arrived on the camp-site he saw me although he was very very surprised. As I arrived only seconds after they did I was able to help set up camp which was fun, putting up the tent, deciding on the best ground for it. It was quite an experience learning all these new skills and getting reminders from being 13 and at Girl Guides. When everything was set up Ken treated us to a tradition Pub dinner at the local pub 'The Horse & Jockey'. We headed back to camp made a fire and had a really lovely evening.

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