Ina's Snippets

By ina

Liquorice All Sorts

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."

~ Oscar Wilde ~


Did some shopping today - it's great to have my car back!

I dunno who put these sweets in my basket! 3 packets by the way! Wasn't me... wasn't me, really!

When I got home I opened them up and took all my favourites out - I just luvvvvv these little wheels and triangles :) I'm eating some of them as I type, yuuuummmm!

Sorry if I made your mouth water.... going through a 'sweet phase' - should be over it in 2020!

Have a great Wednesday!

(Two tongue-in-the-cheek quotes to go with my mood today!)


"The trouble with resisting temptation
is it may never come your way again."

~ Korman's Law ~

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