Selfheal (still) growing in the lawn

Selfheal (still) growing in the lawn
I went up to Betty’s to cut the lawn after a month of growth. There was a large area with all these purple flowers growing fairly closely together. In the end I mowed around the patch because they looked so beautiful and I want to see what happens to them.
Looking them up on the web my first links were all concerned with how to get rid of them from your lawn! Eventually we identified them as “Selfheal”, or in Swedish “Brunört”, Prunella vulgaris. They seem to be a very useful plant if you are into herbal remedies with many uses, as well as just eating them. Chinese traditional medicine also uses them in different ways. More info on Wikipedia!

All-in-all I'm glad they are still growing up there at Betty's.
There was another nature event this evening when Jan called me outside to see two huge moths that were feeding on the honeysuckle nectar, never stopping but hovering like humming birds. We'd never seen or heard anything like it before. The hum/buzz of their wings was what attracted Jan in the first place. They were quite unafraid and as I moved in for a closer look I could feel the wind of their wings as they floated past my nose. It was too dark to get photos but we tried and via the blurry images we identified them as the Greater Elephant Hawk-moth or in Swedish "Större snabelsvärmare", Deilephila elpenor. 

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