Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Rainy day

Despite the rain and the obvious lack of photographic opportunity it's been a pretty good day.  Swimming with the rascals this morning, followed by a repeat blood test for No.2 son.  

Swimming was a success I picked the least grotty leisure centre in the area and we went early :-) Can't bear the smell of swimming pools in the afternoon *runs screaming*

And no.2 son is so much more confident in the water.  He's 18 months-ish into his allotted 2 years of one-to-one swimming classes and it's great to see him moving around in the water.  Today he was floating beautifully on his back and even wanting to get under the water!

Best comment of the day goes to No.2- in his sheer exasperation of trying to describe to me that we were going to be early for his blood test.  He had tried a few different ways to get me to understand (which I did - but disagreed with him!) and he finally threw his arms down and looked me straight in the eye, "Look.  Imagine I'm a clock.  And the time on my back says 1:50!!!"  
Much clearer now.  Thank you :-) :-) Love how he thinks outside the box to communicate. However successfully ;-)

Anyway. No pictures, so here is the new triptych we picked up in Lisbon and put up in our bedroom at the weekend.  It fits in really nicely and I'm really pleased :-)  Lisbon *sigh* :-)

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