Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

My Daily Message

I have responded to a new topic on the discussions pages (yes, they are still there and working but there is very little activity compared with the post website changes in December).  I feel an increasing disquiet at the lack of news from Blipcentral.  It is more than three months since the last communication from Blipcentral and even longer since we were told about an exciting future.

People that know me will recognise I have been a strong supporter of waiting it out and letting things happen behind the scenes.  We would hear things in good time.  I'm not sure I expected it to be over four months and still nothing has been made any clearer.  I know the site is still operational and working as expected.  We, the community, continue to invest our time in taking photographs, posting journal entries and commenting, starring and favouriting other members entries.  I just want to know that this effort is worthwhile.

Come on Blipcentral, let us know you are still out there.  Even if you don't have anything definitive to say, some communication would be appreciated.  Unfortunately, your previous behaviour, pre Polaroid Blipfoto, means you have a set our expectation levels in your communications very high.  You had a very paternal approach to the site and community and for things to change so much over what is a relatively short period is a shock to me.  I want the site to succeed but you can only ask so much of the wonderful people of this community to maintain trust in the future of the site.

Until then my only 'communication' from Blipcentral each day will be this automatic message, which I receive even if I have posted a journal entry for the day.

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