
By NJGilb

Life force

Great day exploring. Headed to Newgale for The Teen and Him outdoors to surf this morning. The kite-surfers had beaten us to it. This one was incredible to watch.
Several good waves caught before a visit to Solva and a short coastal walk - grudgingly on the part of the other two! After lunch on the quay, we sought out local crab for tonight's dinner.
Back to our cottage and me and Him Outdoors went on a run that ended up being an obstacle course ! Cow dung; electric fences and walls negotiated before it was happily wine o'clock back at the cottage. Obligatory coastal holiday supper of crab linguine. All agreed it was the best yet. Relaxed and very contented trio - The Teen is playing guitar as we sit and read - the sea in view - perfect!

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