Poorly pup???

Does this look like a poorly pup? I can assure you, it is not!
I know this for a fact as I took him to the vet as he seemed unwell this morning and refused to eat anything - food or treats.

5 minutes before his vet appointment, he decided to take his treats though and after that all was well. He had the best time ever at the vets, who must have thought I was mad to book an appointment for such a happy and healthy little pup. 

When we came home, he finished his dinner in no time and was still keen to do some training and have treats as rewards. 

Sigh! I hope the vet appriciate the £70 he earned from telling me that there is nothing wrong with this happy and lively pup.

Hero is not 100% though. He is coughing a little - not much, but he shouldn't be coughing at all. The vet checked him over and found nothing, so now we are testing for heart and lung worm. Hopefully we will have the result of the test tomorrow. We have started worm treatment just in case...

Soooo an afternoon walk in the area around the vet's and now I am ready to put my feet up.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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