Kawasaki ZX14 ZZR

C&R sr had to add some km's to the clock of their new toy today, it's time for the first service and they just didn't have time to go for a ride the past 10 days. They took a 'quick trip' on the highways and byways, towards Polokwane and turned back about 60km's from Bela-Bela (formerly Warmbaths), did just over 200km's, the clock is on 750km now, it will be round about 800km's when they reach the dealership in Fourways to have it serviced. Exciting stuff!! ;-)

Our small town had a very sad insident last night. The Jedidiah Safe Haven, close to our school had a serious fire and one of the temporary houses outside the main house burnt down, 3 orphans, they were brothers, 7, 9 and 14 years of age, burnt to death, their 5 year old sister was in the main house and is unharmed! the tragedy of this is even greater when you hear that they lost their father long ago, and their mother died a year ago, that is how they landed up in the Save Haven. The lady who runs the facility is total relyant on donations, since there are no grants from Government for her. She has around 28 children in her care at the moment! It is so horrifying, one can only beg for prayers for those people, the other kids received trauma councelling today and will be followed up regularly!

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