
By Appreciation

The Olympic Flame

When a flame so old and so steeped in history passes within half a mile of your house it would be rude not to go out an see it wouldn't it?

Given that it wasn't a round ball and was due to pass before 6.30pm I was astounded to see that it brought my man home early and he was keen to walk down the road to be part of the meet and greet brigade. He didn't expect many to be there, in fact he thought I was over estimating how many would turn up. He thought we wouldn't see many people walking down at all. He was a little surprised by the crowds.

I was a little surprised that the police weren't closing the road. So, in between the sponspor's buses sent out to whoop up a frenzie in the crowd, we had the average man trying to get home, and then the Relay Bus, and then the Torch. The proud torch holder waving and smiling and clearly loving his moment of fame. It is a wonderful thing the relay - I love that so many people have felt such pride in themselves having been choosen to hold the torch.

I had lovely shot of the back of our man's head with flame aloft and all the paps shooting away from the back of a truck. I preferred this shot of the crowd and I thought her torch was much more interesting that the real one.

I was also interested to hear just how much the games were costing and that they had come in under budget so far. I wondered if they could speak to our Council as the Trams are costing much more and aren't even half finished!!!!

In other news today, Mother has decided to visit London within the next 2 months!!!!!! I think she may have missed what could be happening. My girl passed her Driving Theory test so she is now half way to being a fully fledged driver. Hoorah!

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