
By momcat1

Black swallowtail

It was an interesting day. We were supposed to go to a friends party today and I totally forgot it was this weekend . I did the same thing last year but we managed to get there for a while. This time we had taken the kayak to a lake and got home late ,at which point we were sweaty , dirty and tired.  I had also picked  my spinach ( a whole grocery bag full = two cups blanched)  which I had to deal with tonight .So I owe someone an apology for being a complete twit and missing her party.Sigh . July has gone too quickly. so today's black swallowtail is form the former Upper Lisle park .The lake used to be one end of the park and Upper Lisle was at the other end of the lake. Broome County closed it in a cost cutting measure  a few years ago. It used to have a parking lot and camping area, and the best trail for birds in the area : through a meadow , then hardwood stand, old orchard and then a swampy bottomland and back up through another meadow.It was the only place around here I had ever seen a tananger and a bittern. Now it's overgrown and the parking lot is a meadow, Dorchester is still open as it was popular for fishing , sailing and now kayaking and paddle boards. We did get to see a juvenile bald eagle or two  and 3 other friends who have far better balance than I on paddle boards. My word I am rambling tonight!

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