
By Madchickenwoman

Flower Play!

Luckily the rain held off for all my animal related tasks today - walking Portly and closing up chickens! Plus I got to play with my camera settings to get some flower blips and to pull up some weeds and put in poles for my beans!!
Rest of day spent blip browsing, eating, napping and syringing antibiotic fluid into Milly's beak. She is still no better and whilst still moving around, sleeping mostly and still not eating, so I really hope she does tomorrow as it is day 5 and the last day of treatment, although I will continue if no improvement. I'm trying not to be pessimistic but the lack of eating alone is very worrying aside from the infection, and don't even know what has caused that. 
A quiet week ahead ready for an active weekend - Port Eliot festival and Bike show in village! Actually all starts thursday!! Best bit is that friends husband is playing the first night so we get wristbands as the bands plus 1's so can get in every day for free! They are The Bluebottles and have had lots of plays on Craig Charles' BBC R2 / 6Radio shows! Also Gilesey and Mr may join us! Baptism by fire!!

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