Why are they standing in the rain?

My son reckoned there would be a few light showers!
First a boat trip round the Islands, sitting on wet boards. Had to feel sorry for the girl guide who was very good but obviously frozen!
This area will be great when it's finished - great attention to detail even down to the different rock types on each Island! Only saw a couple of large emu-like birds the rest of the animals were either not there yet or sheltering!
Picnic and hot drinks in a cafe by the Islands and then for those brave enough the bat cave to warm up! My favourite!
The highlight was the baby, 3 day old, giraffe sitting in the straw at the back of the enclosure!
Then onto Cheshire Oaks for coffee etc at Starbucks. Unfortunately I had dropped the birthday cake in the car park - twice - so it's cakeless that we wished my poor daughter a very happy birthday!

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