Business Class

Ah the fresh air, the lively day, the wind in my curls and Business Class my favourite travel mode.
I can only go this way when The Bossess is not travelling too and today it was just a quick trip to the Supermarket for 2 large boxes of Aunti Vera coated tissues as The Boss has…you guessed it …a cold.
I am not sure what aunti V has to do with this but apparently she soothes his snozz in some way.
So it was no walk today…
The Boss spent most of the day watching Star Wars on DVD after checking Mrs G for the correct viewing order…
The Bossess after walking 18,000 steps yesterday spent all day righting someone elses accounting wrongs…
AND as for ME…..I almost got to bark at “that” Poodle again but was slow off the mark so it was really not much of an event.
OH and The Boss recon’d that my bandana was past it’s use by date and cut it off when we got home cause he thought it smelled odd. 

PawScript. You should probably know that rabbits are extremely hated with  considerable predudice here in NZ. as they are farming enemy No I having been mistakenly imported years ago and finding our conditions so favourable to breeding that grazing pasture is stripped bare  and there are millions of $$$ spent every year attempting to control them,  Many properties have rabbit proof fences where the netting is buried to prevent burrowing in including domestic properties where gardens would be stripped otherwise. So my rumination yesterday was  bit “tongue in cheek”  so to bark.

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