The Ring, the Kiss, and the First Intro

Wedding number five of the season.

Over my 4+ years on Blip, you've probably heard me talk about my old friend Mike. Mike, and my Dad and I were travelling buddies. We went north, south, east, and west...seeing a lot of the United States. Other than being an over-the-top Republican and a cowboy-wannabe, Mike was a lot of fun to be around...and he LOVED to go on vacation.

But, then he got really sick, and he died. That was maybe 5-6 years ago.

The bride in this picture is Linda, Mike's widow. 

She has found Robert, retired from Michigan State University.

After many months of "courting", Robert has passed our tests to become Linda's new husband.

Lisa and I, and my two sisters were the kitchen help for the happy couple. 

Speaking of happy...may they live happily ever after.

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