
By Shutterlag

Its not what you think!

On the corner of Little Nelson street and Chapter Street, adjacent to the notorious Angel Meadow, Manchester lies what was a "Ragged School"

This was the first Industrial Ragged School in Manchester, founded in 1874

"Ragged Schools were charitable schools dedicated to the free education of destitute children in 19th century Britain. The schools were developed in working class districts of the rapidly expanding industrial towns. In 1844, the Ragged Schools Union was established to combine resources throughout the country, providing free education, food, clothing, lodging and other home missionary services for these children".

(Pinched off ickipedia)

So, any road up, all this business about sweat shops in the third world is not good, Just another of our more profitable industries we gave away.

Perhaps we should bring it back and reduce our unemployment....

I can think of several children of friends who could be well employed sweeping Chimney's!

(just incase there is any doubt, I am joking - apart from the bit about my friends children;-)

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