Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Annual works BBQ

Today has been a "food day".  I'm working tomorrow morning, so we had our traditional "Sunday" poached eggs on Saturday.  I then went off to the works BBQ.  The whole weekend is a particularly busy one -  so much so, that I nearly didn't go to the annual BBQ.  This BBQ has become a tradition, held in the garden of Bruce and Cynthia's lovely house.  The garden has been visibly developing over the last few years, as Bruce and Cynthia have more time to devote to it.  

But then I learnt that they are moving, so this would be the last one here.  We will have to find an alternative venue - perhaps Bruce and Cynthia will be able to host it at their new home - apparently the garden would be big enough, but parking might be a problem.

The picture shows Bruce with Ann, one of the nurses who has been a leading figure in promoting and organising the BBQ over the years.  They were tending the food together when I approached and said "I need a Blip".  Thanks for posing so nicely.

I only stayed a short time at the BBQ, but of course I had to have some food.  

I then had to go and visit Dad - I won't have time to go tomorrow.  I gave him the choice of cooking something for him at his flat, or going to the local pub - he chose the pub.  I tried to find something light to eat - ended up with Spaghetti with prawn and salmon sauce - it was rather nice.  But I am now well stuffed.    

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