The Seaborne Bouncing Bomb

We went for a walk today on Brean Down with our son, Chris. The Down juts out into the Bristol Channel.

A defensive fort was built at the far end in 1870 amidst fears of an invasion from France. The invasion never happened and the fort was converted into a cafe for visiting tourists in the early part of the 20th century.

At the outbreak of WW2 the fort was recomissioned and this blip shows the remains of a fortified searchlight post, designed to keep a look out for enemy shipping in the Channel.

The fort was also used to test new experimental weapons. Amongst these was a seaborne bouncing bomb for scuttling enemy vessels. The idea was to strap it to a trolley and propel it along the railway tracks in the blip here. When it hit the buffers at the end, it would be thrown into the sea and bounce towards its target. Unfortunately, when they tried it, it shot down the tracks too quickly, burst into flames and crashed over the edge, taking the buffers and everything else with it, marking the end of that particular plan.

Good job Barnes Wallis wasn't deterred!

The island in the distance is Steepholme, with Wales beyond it.

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